
We hope you never have a claim, but if you do, we are here to help. Although many companies have 24/7 claim centers, there are many advantages to calling our office to report your claim. Our specialists can advise you on the ramifications of filing your claim, and explain how the claims process works – eliminating frustrations which usually arise from the unknown. If it is after business hours & your claim needs immediate attention please call the company whose policy you own at the appropriate number listed below. Please try to have your policy number handy before calling these toll free service numbers.
Upon completing this call, we request you also call us at the number listed above to inform us of your claim as well.
To report your loss to IBX Insurance, please call us at (252) 335-5186.
Below is a list of carriers and their claims phone numbers for your convenience.
What to Do Immediately After a Claim
- Take steps to protect yourself and your family.
- Promptly submit your claim your carrier or contact our office 252-335-5186.
- Protect the property from further damage. You have a duty, per your policy, to take reasonable steps to do so.
- If it is safe to do so, take photos of all damage before you start any repairs. This will make it easier for the adjuster and the insurance company to settle your claim promptly.
- Keep accurate records of all expenses, such as temporary repairs and additional living expenses.
- Itemize the damaged or stolen property, including the manufacturer, brand name, age, place of purchase and purchase price.
- Report burglary/theft claims to the appropriate authorities, so there is a police report on file.
- If you have a contractor making repairs before a claim’s adjuster gets to you, please make sure you have photos of ALL damage you are reporting as part of the claim. Without these photos, your claim may be denied.